Créé pour vous présenter mon dernier livre,je vous présente 4500 articles sur le thème de mon livre :les Templiers,des sujets ésotériques,des textes rosicrusiens,les mérovingiens, saint-Graal,Nostradamus,Mary Magdalene.Le Baphomet et le Tau, Château de Saumur,la femme dans l'histoire templière. Trésor templier.Histoires, légendes de Belgique,de France et d'Europe et Celtiques. La spiritualité. Développement personnel.
samedi 10 septembre 2022
La lignée Saint Michel
ls ont détourné les mêmes fêtes celtiques et célébrations païennes en utilisant le calendrier lunaire et en ajoutant leurs propres symboles et martyrs sanglants afin que ces mêmes fêtes puissent être considérées comme christianisées et approuvées par le pape. Ajoutant en outre des superpositions d'imposteurs de domination patriarcale dogmatique sur ces mêmes traditions afin d'imiter les rituels de célébration de la Déesse et de récolter leurs puissantes énergies qui étaient connectées à certains alignements cosmologiques qui ont un impact considérable sur le réseau de grille planétaire.
La lignée Saint Michel est une lignée majeure de dragons qui a été partiellement en sommeil dans son expression supérieure jusqu'à récemment avec les événements entourant l'onction solaire du Christ Micaël lorsqu'il a pris sa place dans la Jérusalem céleste en mai dernier pendant le cycle du Taureau. Le Dragon Solaire Christ Michael s'est levé et est la 13ème Ligne Dragon Ouroboros pour la Terre, Tara et Gaia. Il est maintenant temps de révéler le retour de la Mère Cosmique Dragon Marie qui est son épouse divinement mariée. Les moines bénédictins du 7ème siècle qui se consacraient aux enseignements du dragon de Marie étaient responsables de la construction de nombreuses églises et abbayes sur la lignée Saint Michel dans le but de maximiser les liens de communication spirituelle du ciel avec les paroissiens. La ligne du dragon de Saint Michel encercle complètement la Terre. Cette célèbre Dragon Line relie les nombreux lieux sacrés dédiés à Saint Michel dans les régions du sud du Royaume-Uni. L'épicentre majeur de l'activation de Pâques est Avebury transmettant l'activation planétaire de la perle, reliant davantage ces énergies solarisées à Glastonbury's Tor, Burrow bridge Mump, Saint Michaels Light Tower et au point le plus au sud de Saint Michaels Mount.
La relation Sirius et Canopus avec Avebury Henge sont les transmissions en spirale de l'ADN de l'énergie tressée d'or et d'argent du masculin et du féminin unifié, qui sont conçues pour faire passer ce courant tressé d'argent-or dans les lignes Michael-Mary, afin de donner naissance au Oeuf Cosmique qui fait éclore l'initiation solaire à l'Activation de la Perle.
L'année dernière, le Christ Solaire Féminin Marie-Sophie a été réveillée en tant que première émanation de la Triple Déesse Solaire revenant dans sa forme féminine de Dragon Solaire pour reprendre sa place légitime en tant que Christ Solaire Féminin, se joignant à son mari sacré Christ Michael dans les premières étapes de leur union hiérogamique. Nous avons appris que le lieu de leur union hiérogamique sacrée avec Cosmic Dragons se déroule sur la ligne Saint Michael et Avebury henge pendant les prochaines vacances de Pâques. Par lequel leur couplage céleste dans leur lit conjugal solarisé Cosmic Christos Sophia produit une progéniture Cosmic Christos pour la Terre, qui prend la forme de l'éclosion de leur Cosmic Golden Dragon Egg.
C'est ce qu'on appelle l'activation de la perle en tant qu'onction solaire de l'union du mariage entre les glandes pinéale et pituitaire qui ouvre le processus de solarisation du corps de lumière humain, la transfiguration de la conscience lunaire en solaire faite dans la robe de gloire.
Depuis l'année dernière, de nombreuses guerres de grille et événements de guerre spirituelle hors planète se sont ensuivis à la suite de la récupération de ses parties massives du corps spirituel qui sont liées aux histoires de Solar Mary's Tiamat, et de la récupération et de la réunion de ses parties Cosmic Dragon. Il y a eu un démantèlement continu de la machinerie extraterrestre anti-hiérogamique qui a été utilisée pour pervertir, inverser et cloner son image sacrée, sa signature énergétique et son esprit saint pour divers agendas sataniques en tant que Mère Noire générée par l'extraterrestre. La réanimation de la Triple Déesse Solaire sous sa forme solaire Christ Mary a été activement impliquée dans l'activation séquentielle de nombreuses cathédrales gothiques à travers le monde qui ont été construites à l'origine sur des nœuds de dragon en son nom et dans la lignée de Marie-Madeleine-Sophie.
De plus, ces cathédrales étaient à l'origine entourées de communautés animées servant d'écoles de mystères dédiées à l'étude des enseignements cosmiques du dragon solaire Christos du templier planétaire protégés pendant des millénaires par l'Église celtique. Alors que le Christ Solaire Marie revient dans notre monde en tant que Dragon Cosmique, ces histoires enfouies montent à la conscience des anciens textes sacrés de l'Église Celtique Essénienne de l'activation de la Perle, ainsi que de nombreuses mémoires cellulaires cachées de notre passé oublié depuis longtemps.
La cathédrale de Lincoln et la chronologie d'Abraham Lincoln
Lors des activations de la cathédrale de décembre dernier, les équipes du Guardian ont travaillé pour nettoyer la cathédrale de Lincoln et le monument de Lincoln, alors que les dômes de plasma d'étoiles étaient davantage alignés avec les passerelles d'étoiles de Sirius pour apporter des corrections aux ondes 6D Indigo et en établissant de nouvelles connexions avec le 13ème Roi Dragon Solaire Christ Michael. Cela a commencé les étapes d'ancrage de la véritable présence authentique et bienveillante du Saint-Père sur notre planète, et de suppression de l'architecture noire inversée utilisée par ceux qui agissaient comme ses imposteurs. Alors que Michael's Dragon Line subit une activation dans la Perle, nous avons appris que la cathédrale de Lincoln a un dragon du Verseau qui vient de se réveiller en tant que gardien protecteur de ceux qui incarnent les lois naturelles pour défendre la liberté à travers les arcs de la tige solaire et de la royauté.
La raison pour laquelle cela est important est que c'est l'amplification des lois naturelles de Dieu à travers la solarisation de la Magna Carta et des documents constitutionnels qui ont établi le principe que tout le monde est soumis à la loi, même le roi, et cela garantit les droits divins. de tous les individus. Lincoln est le seul endroit au monde où vous pouvez trouver des copies originales de la Magna Carta de 1215 et de la Charte de la forêt de 1217. Les deux chartes appartiennent à la cathédrale de Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln, un Christos Starseed, a continué à travailler pour la liberté de l'humanité sur la chronologie de l'ascension en co-créant avec la même loi de structure dans la Constitution américaine en rédigeant la Proclamation d'émancipation. Suite à l'édit d'émancipation des serfs russes du tsar Alexandre II pour restaurer la liberté et abolir le servage, en décembre 1863, Lincoln publia sa proclamation d'amnistie et de reconstruction. Les principales dispositions exigeaient que les États acceptent la proclamation d'émancipation et donc la liberté de leurs esclaves, et acceptent les lois de confiscation, ainsi que la loi interdisant l'esclavage dans les territoires des États-Unis. Le tsar Alexandre le Libérateur et le président Lincoln, le combattant de la liberté à la voix douce, ont partagé le même sort, car ils ont tous deux été assassinés par les banquiers de la cabale qui s'opposaient à donner ces libertés aux gens ordinaires ou aux paysans. Depuis lors, si leurs lignées accédaient au pouvoir, ils étaient pourchassés et ciblés pour génocide, en représailles malveillantes à leurs objectifs initiaux qui visaient à libérer le peuple de leur nation. Un tel exemple de ce qui est advenu de la lignée de Lincoln revient sur les événements traumatisants de l'histoire de la famille Kennedy, connus sous le nom de malédiction Kennedy. Un autre exemple est la lignée du tsar Alexandre qui a entraîné l'exécution brutale du tsar Nicolas et de sa famille par des soldats bolcheviks formés par le marxisme. Cela nous donne l'indice que le véritable héritage caché de la Russie et le véritable héritage de l'Amérique sont profondément entrelacés, la liberté a été proclamée dans leur loi de structure originale qui est guidée par les lois divines en tant que libérateurs. Ainsi, les événements actuels sur la scène mondiale sont importants pour révéler la chronologie de l'ascension afin de rejeter l'esclavage et la tyrannie et d'assurer les libertés humaines mondiales pour l'avenir.
Cette action est maintenant accomplie sous les lois naturelles de Dieu sur Terre telles que représentées dans le retour des Arcs de la Royauté, qui sont des proclamations du Saint-Père déclarant que ses lois sont le pouvoir gouvernant dans ce domaine et que son principe est une vérité absolue pour tous. êtres humains. Cela a déclenché de nouveaux événements dans le champ planétaire dans lesquels des familles dirigeantes spécifiques de l'élite au pouvoir qui agissaient en tant que rois, présidents et monarques qui avaient conclu des accords pour garantir des unions politiques dans des incarnations sataniques sont vues très clairement dans leurs actions de SRA mondial. . Ces groupes d'élite au pouvoir croyaient qu'ils étaient suprêmement protégés par leurs hiérarchies de démons lunaires et les forces des EAN, car leur Dieu proclamé est satanique ou luciférien. Au fur et à mesure que leur architecture satanique de l'esclavage humain tombe, cela révèle plus de détails sur la façon dont ils ont accompli leurs actes et maintenu leurs bases de pouvoir en politique en pratiquant le satanisme, en tuant les libérateurs et en organisant le trafic d'êtres humains vers les étrangers.
Actuellement, il y a eu un suivi approfondi des Gardiens et des extractions d'identités clonées et d'imposteurs qui ont été insérés dans les lignées du tsar et du président, comme le détournement et la manipulation sombre de l'héritage du tsar Alexandre II, de Lincoln et de Kennedy, qui avaient été complètement contrôlés par la cabale noire. tel que soutenu par la NAA. C'est jusqu'à récemment.
Puisse notre relation directe avec l'esprit saint de Dieu et nos Saints Parents Cosmiques nous prêter la maîtrise de soi ultime dans les esprits de patience, de persévérance et d'endurance pour servir la volonté divine de Dieu.
C'est avec beaucoup de joie et de révérence que je suis chez moi dans la lumière solaire de Christos et Christos-Sophia !
La paix soit avec votre cœur. La paix soit avec votre esprit. La paix soit avec votre corps. Que tous soient avec l'Amour Inconditionnel et la Paix Parfaite dans la lumière éternelle de Dieu et du Christ.
Jusqu'à la prochaine, restez dans la luminosité de votre chemin de cœur Avatar Christos Sophia. S'il vous plaît soyez gentils avec vous-même et les uns avec les autres. GSF !
Avec un cœur aimant, Lisa.
dimanche 4 septembre 2022
Les Mystères de Notre-Dame du Sablon Décryptage symbolique d’une merveille gothique
Chères amies et chers amis du "Blanc Scourchet" et de "L'Ultime Chemin des Templiers".
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Les Mystères de Notre-Dame du Sablon
Décryptage symbolique d’une merveille gothique
Observez attentivement l’image de la couverture.
Ne remarquez-vous rien d’inhabituel par rapport aux légendes que l’on vous raconte traditionnellement ? Regardez bien la lance de Saint-Georges… Terrasse-t-il réellement le dragon ?
Cette sculpture de style néogothique flamboyant ne correspond pas aux canons symboliques historiques habituels, et ce n’est pas, là, la seule étrangeté présente dans la fabuleuse et mystérieuse église de Notre-Dame du Sablon à Bruxelles !
À travers ce cheminement romancé, Pierre P. dit l’Architecte, cherche à nous faire prendre conscience que nous pouvons toujours porter un autre regard sur les choses et les personnes qui nous entourent. Il nous suggère d’ouvrir tous nos sens, en faisant abstraction de notre base culturelle, quelle qu’elle soit, pour construire notre réflexion à travers nos ressentis et nos intuitions, en respectant la 5e force fondamentale de l’univers.
Puisse ce roman-guide vous apporter un autre regard sur ces joyaux méconnus de la capitale de la Belgique et de l’Europe.
. . .
Pour ceux qui cherchent un lien avec mon précédent livre : « Une énigme templière : la croix de "Blanc Scourchet" », sachez que celui-ci révèle, parmi d'autres découvertes et interprétations surprenantes, un lien entre cette mystérieuse église bruxelloise et la mère de Godefroy de Bouillon/de Boulogne et Baudouin de Boulogne (la 1re croisade), et donc, probablement aussi, le « mortel secret des Templiers » : une possible descendance christique…. On n’abandonne pas ses anciennes passions si facilement….
Ce livre est très facile d'accès, puisqu'il est illustré de très nombreuses photos et romancé sous la forme d'un dialogue entre "un pèlerin" et son petit-fils, le long d'un cheminement entre la Grand'Place de Bruxelles et l'église Notre-Dame du Sablon….
Bonne lecture.
Bien cordialement.
Pierre P. dit l'architecte.
vendredi 2 septembre 2022
Cosmic Elohei (dans ce bloc vous pouvez opter pour la traduction)
The Christos Mission has had some major achievements this year in the corrections and rehabilitation of the Elohei Triple Lion Network configuring into the Reuche Pillars, that has allowed our Cosmic Elohei parents to begin their descent into the Earth reality fields. Simultaneously, the exopolitical landscape is shifting rapidly as defectors from many of the warring factions are surfacing in ways we have not seen before. Thousands of Annunaki hybrids are awakening to the reality of their consciousness enslavement and are choosing to face their actions by surrendering to Guardian forces. Although we are plagued with censorship and blocked from receiving truthful information in the public sphere, know that many positive things are happening for the liberation of the planet and all of humanity.
With recent events related to the Cosmic Elohei Dragon Kings reclaiming Thuban, the Cosmic Mother’s White Diamond Elohei-Elohim lineages are returning aspects of their original Emerald Covenant planetary grid architecture absconded with by the NAA usurpers and placing it back into the control of legitimately embodied Emerald Elohei Solar Dragon Timekeepers and Cosmic Tri-Flame Melchizedeks. Recent explosive conflicts with the 5D-8D-11D inverted satanic architecture under the control of the Vatican’s NAA network have set off grid wars that also have had intergalactic repercussions. The authentic lineages of the Cosmic Mother that originally built the Guardian of the Verticals are returning to embody the Triple Lion Network, which was designed to serve and protect the Cosmic Elohei Mother’s White Diamond Sun destined to return with the Christos Solar Dragons at the end of the Ascension Cycle. The Triple Great Lion Networks were built in her image, and were created so that Cosmic Mother could descend down the verticals and reclaim her Children of the Sun, that had been lost in the fallen phantom matrices.
During this month’s magnetic peak cycle with Leo constellation, the emphasis is on the alchemical themes of digestion and conversion of the summer solar fire that ignites the crystal heart, spiritualizing our blood and activating the inner Diamond Sun to amplify personal sovereignty. Regulus, the ultramarine star in the heart of the Lion, is one of the four royal stars that roar within in order to point us towards the north, as we must find the inner courage to face our spiritual challenges and rise to our heroic probability. Leo constellation is a direct reference to the Cosmic Elohei Mother lineages. As we awaken and return to our spiritual home with our Cosmic Holy Mother, we recognize that she chose to create and embody into the original Feline-Leonine hominin forms as the Elohei-Elohim.
The Emerald Order of Elohei-Elohim seeded the Anuhazi Feline-Leonine races through the Lyran 12th Stargate, Aramatena. They are the original founders of the eternal Christos angelic human races, the Cosmic Elohei Mother Eieyani Grail lineage seeded in Lyra that are the genetic parents of the Azurites and Oraphim. Hence in homage and recognition of the Cosmic Elohei Feline-Leonine original forms, ancient human cultures recognized Leo the Lion, and the feline races connected to the original cosmic source representing the Cosmic Mother’s first creation. The original Sphinx in Giza marked the planetary Solar gateway that faced the Leo constellation on the March Equinox where many of the Leonine races originate from, and through which many are connected to the High Lyran-Sirian Councils. It is well known that felines were beloved in their spiritual and magical representation in ancient Egyptian culture, but many are not aware that the feline symbolism was connected to honoring the Cosmic Holy Mother’s first creation principle in our time matrix.
The Elohei-Elohim groups built many of the planetary grid networks and their holographic geography features for the purpose of facilitating the Emerald Covenant and planetary ascension, and to perform the necessary spiritual retrievals that reset the grid back into alignment with natural laws during the Universal Ascension. Thus, these themes are surfacing now for those awakening to consciously participate with the retrieval or clearing process with the returning Emerald Order Cosmic Elohei spiritual families that birthed the KRYSTHL matrices into creation. These are the Blue Ray Melchizedek’s that are directly sourced from the same Cosmic Mother Elohei-Elohim dragon lineages that originally designed the planetary grid in layers of geomantic blueprints, holding the living consciousness geometries designed to perform specific functions.
The Cosmic Mother lineages of Emerald Order-Blue Flame are intrinsically Guardian timekeepers and grid keepers with various functions and roles in their cellular memory and genetic history. Some may awaken into the awareness that another station of identity in future time has certain relationships with spiritual family that contributed directly to the building out and embodiment of various ancient stargates, portals, or grid networks that comprise the multidimensional layers of the planetary consciousness body. The ancient builders of the Cosmic Christos Suns source from the 1st God World creation of the Emerald Order and appear to transfigure into multiple forms in order to accomplish certain tasks. Like the Liquid Solar Plasma Rings of Djedi pillars that make up the Universal Ankh God body that easily shapeshift into Solar Dragon forms that build out complex living matrices of crystalline holographic architecture that form timelines. We have witnessed multiple Cosmic Christos Suns transfiguring into the layers of complexity of the Universal Ankh Body with one or multiple color spectrums, which may further down step into moving sheets of light to straddle multiple dimensions of time simultaneously. They easily shapeshift into inhabiting and sharing consciousness streams through the Ancient Eye that exists inside the Christos Solar Dragon forms for the purpose of transmigratory consciousness. This can express as travelling Cosmic Christos consciousness lifestreams moving from one location to another, such as travelling to different star constellations and galaxies.
Dual Krystal Spirals Generate New Verticals
During this phase, Cosmic Elohei Suns have united in dual krystal spirals which are supporting the reclamation of organic Diamond Sun lightbody parts through Cosmic Mother’s Supermagnetism and new staff codes that configure into new architecture of Hara-Krysta axiatonal lines. The Hara-Krysta are vertical staff lines connecting into the God Worlds and above the Spectra fields, in the stairway to heaven at the location where the Eukachristic template level of the Eternal Seven Suns in One are stationed. This is a station of the first creation hub of the eternal Cosmic Consciousness bodies, or the Seven Suns of God in eternal Diamond Sun bodies, the Eternal God body of the Emerald Order’s Cosmic Kryst-Krystallah unity consciousness.
The dual krystal spirals are running new elementals with living sound waters that are being orchestrated through multiple layers of Emerald Covenant’s eukatharistic architecture, opening its rings and span tones that hold electromagnetic codes which wake up the planetary Rasha body. This is important because it involves the complete re-encryption of the quantum field, dark matter and elemental substances in the atomic and subatomic layers, that are being made congruent with the Cosmic Mother’s ongoing embodiment process. Cosmic Mother Dragon is actively building tributaries of new golden Azothian flows made into living spiritual waters, inspiriting elemental and matter forms from within the planetary Rasha body. As this builds, new solar bodies are being birthed from out of the many colors of dragon eggs to fully reunite her with her planetary creations. This appears to be purging out layer after layer of the massive black plasma entities and AI frankenstein creatures that the NAA have lodged into the planetary dark matter fields with corrupted shadow elementals, as a way to invade the planetary body via the forced colonization of these AI hybrids and artificial demonic gestalts.
In practical terms, those awakening connected to this spiritual family will experience increased communications with the Elohei-Elohim in dream state or meditation, along with the reviewing of previous historical events and inorganic timelines that are connected to assorted problems that resulted in the Fallen Elohim and Fallen Angelic Annunaki hybrid lines. The Fallen Elohim are being found and regenerated by the returning Cosmic Elohei parents. This is a massive retrieval cycle for mismatched or stolen body parts that are specifically used by the invaders to run their genetic hybrid programs and anti-human APIN systems. Thus, the Great Lion symbolism connected to the Elohei-Elohim Christos founders from Lyra and their extensive 12D crystalline architecture that is encrypted with Anuhazi feline genetic signatures, are both evolving. Through ongoing genetic realignments within the awakening Elohim groups, this is showing up as Elohim collective shadow miasmatic clearings during current Guardian grid restoration projects.
Elohei Triple Great Lion Networks
The Emerald Order Elohei-Elohim built the Triple Great Lion Networks in the physical shape of Lions, and this further communicates with the crystal temple networks which connect to the living sound waters, vapors and elementals that are awakening throughout the planetary body. In simpler terms, this operates as a trinitized broadcasting system on vertical lines, which transmits signals and plugs into the planetary crystalline body so that humanity is directly connected to the Emerald Order Crystal Heart circuitry and the Cosmic Source Domain of our Cosmic Elohei Parents.
The Emerald Order Elohei-Elohim Christos Anuhazi founders built an extremely advanced global grid technology system to interface directly with the planetary grid system, stargates and crystal temples after the damage incurred from the Electric Wars. This was designed to support the gradual modulation of running organic base 12 current and the divine blueprint of the Diamond Sun’s platinum crystals and Christos-Sophia diamond heart staff codes throughout the vertical axiatonal lines. These vertical axiatonal lines expanded into three Elohei Great Lion Networks that function as the Guardians of the vertical lines, with each network located in one of three harmonic universes surrounding the timelines of the Earth-Taran- Gaian matrices. The Triple Great Lion Networks function as a Christos Avatar consciousness transtime travel grid in which past, present and future timelines of the Earth can be viewed, observed and the artificial intruder grids can be clearly seen and removed. The NAA have inserted a tremendous amount of alien hybridization networks generated to interfere with, block and scramble the natural DNA frequencies and vertical alignments which connected humanity to the authentic Emerald Order Elohei Mother lineages that created the Great Lion Network.
The planet Earth in the first harmonic universe is encapsulated within the Great White Lion Grid. The future planet Tara in its pre-fall template is located in the second harmonic universe and is fully encapsulated within the Blue Lion Grid. The future planet Gaia in the third harmonic universe is encapsulated within the Gold Lion Grid. The Triple Great Lion networks were designed to stabilize the main 12 vertical axiatonal lines that run the North to South axis of the planetary grid network. The Elohei’ s Triple Lion Grids are a tri-wave unification of all three harmonic universes of Earth-Tara-Gaia woven into the main planetary staff which has been fully reconnected through the planetary, galactic, universal and into the Cosmic Source Domain of the Cosmic Sun Elohei Parents.
These are planetary grid networks created with advanced crystalline technologies that are strategically placed in order to protect and support the planetary grid to interface between organic and natural electromagnetic energy currents that make up the axiatonal and meridian ley line network. These networks reinforce the instruction sets and blueprints running in the planetary body which further support the DNA template, energy to form manifestation and consciousness level of planetary inhabitants. There are several other of these networks that have been created and manipulated by the NAA invading races since the Luciferian Rebellion, to block communication with the Cosmic Founders, and interfere with planetary ascension by introducing foreign DNA coding for the purpose of alien non-human to angelic human hybridization and digression.
These intruder grid placements during the Luciferian Rebellion led to the series of events that culminated in the Atlantian Cataclysm. These grids originally created by the Founder races and later during NAA invasion, are collectively referred to as Atlantian Pylon Implant Networks or APIN’s. The APINs direct electromagnetic energy running in the ley lines that are designed in the shapes of creatures based upon the genetics so that more advanced extradimensional species could easily identify them from space.
Those incarnated on the Christos Mission have had the task of identifying the intruder networks and working in multidimensional gridwork teams to disassemble, remove and extract the anti-human networks promoting alien hybridization coding and base 10 current metatronic reversals. Those being systematically demolished now are the; Phoenix-Falcon grid, Serpent grid, Dragon Moth Grid, Jehovian-Dove grids, NET, NRG, and Michael-Mary Turnstile matrix. Much of the extensive mind control frequencies used to control and enslave humanity have sourced from these same intruder grid networks, as well as every social media outlet and propaganda tool that has been deployed to influence and manipulate human beings. To intentionally plummet consciousness into the lowest frequencies of misery and suffering, which provides the collective loosh of human suffering to power these NAA APIN’s and virtual realities.
Nevertheless, the Christos Mission has recently had some major achievements in the corrections and rehabilitation of the Elohei Triple Lion Network, Reuche Pillars and 11th Aveyon gateway. This has been instrumental in opening dormant interdimensional portal systems through the Hara-Krysta vertical lines that allowed our Cosmic Elohei parents to begin their descent into the Earth reality fields.
Elohei’ s Taran Blue Lion Grid and Gaian Gold Lion Grid
The direct descendants of Akhenaton and Yeshua’s genetic lineage from the Taran histories have been instrumental in the rehabilitation and reconnaissance gridwork involved in the restoration of the Blue Lion Grid and Gold Lion Grid, from instruction sets that were left for Elohei Maharaji Sirius B Azurite lineages at Amarna. Guardian Akhenaton and Guardian Yeshua and their descendants had the Taran coded imprints of Maharaji Blue Flame Melchizedeks to help recover and repair the 5D and 8D Rod and Staff architecture by working on Christos Mission pre-fall templates in Sirius B, that would be carried onto the adjunct time vectors in the Inner world domain and merged with Earth’s organic timelines. This was another meaning behind the Code of the Blue Nile that originated on Tara, and the ongoing Incension process, which is the ascension mission upgrade to plan B that returns humanity into the Inner World domains. This is achieved by making the angelic human lightbody an inner accessed stargate system that aligns with pre-fall crystalline templates of Ascension Aurora Earth.
The bloodline continuation of the Code of Blue Nile and Code of White Nile on Earth are sourced from Cosmic Elohei coding that was designed to reconnect the Blue Lion Network through female staff codes that are operating within the tri-matrix of Cosmic Elohei White-Blue-Gold Leonine founder frequencies. These are the Anuhazi Mu’a, Blue Flame Keepers, Solar Female Maharaji Melchizedeks, Mother of Dragons and Aquaelle, directly related to the daughters of Christ or sophianic bloodlines that incarnated on Earth from the Tri-Matrix of Krystal Star. These groups will appear to have silver and gold wrist cuffs with Elohei Emerald or Amethyst Founder Rod and Staff insignia for activating shields or signets inside their lightbody. They may be keepers of the crystals themselves, anchoring their dragon chakra into Guardian portal systems, and these Christos lightbody artifacts are either present or not, there is no faking the inner stargate tools. This opening of stargate portals cannot be accomplished with cloned body parts or fake signet shield devices, although the intruders try to do this often and it is the main reason we are in a spiritual war over angelic human genetics. The Rod and Staff activation codes have corresponding organic Diamond Sun spiritual body attachments, which are seen through etheric viewing of an individual embodied as an Avatar Christos and above. The Rod and Staff merge occurs during the completion of each harmonic universe level embodiment and hold the coding potentials for activating all of the developing stages of Diamond Sun Body, which influences the potential of inner sacred hierogamic union which is essential to gain access to higher stargate passage. For our brothers and sisters that are not awake during this ascension cycle, we are assured by Guardian Host, that there is nothing for us to worry about in this regard. Many contingency plans are in place to ensure all humans will eventually be escorted and returned to their rightful place and organic spiritual home, the eternal light and pursuit of truth will reveal the loving benevolence that is our Cosmic Parents.
The Amarna portal system was connected to the land mass of Ireland, where beloved Guardian Akhenaton left Elohei Founder records of his hidden assignment of hierogamic union templating with the Ruby Sun and covert embodiment levels he achieved in service to the Christos Mission. There is a tremendous amount of information warfare surrounding Akhenaton’s luciferian clones used to prop up several secret societies. Meaning only direct bloodline descendants and genuine contactees would recognize what is true and what is false, in terms of content that is connected to the controversial narratives spread about him. Although the Controllers sought to destroy every last remnant of the existence of Akhenaton’s Temple modeled after the Great White Lion Temples dedicated to the Cosmic Mother Elohei in Lyra, Amarna was designed as a multidimensional portal system that spans the entirety of the Albion Lightbody grid systems. The Amarna portal is connected into the Triple Great Lion Networks surrounding the Earth-Taran-Gaian matrices. Sekhmet Lions are a favorite symbol of the Akhenaton family bloodline, and so Blue Lions from the Taran Blue Lion Grid and White Lions from the Great White Lion grid often show their support for those connecting to the vertical staff lines in the pre-fallen Taran crystalline matrices.
With Ezekiel’s liberation and reunification with his counterpart, his massive 8D golden sun consciousness body comprising the solar rod template was reconnected back into the Gaian core, which generated the final sequences of monadic staff layer corrections in Orion constellation. This event opened another layer in the Amarna portal system which allowed viewing of the 7D layers of Gaian time fields with Amethyst Order Azurites. This unlocked more participation with the Code of the Violet Sun and Codes of the Ruby Sun, which further revealed communication with the Great Gold Lion Grid network system on Gaia and its direct energetic connections into Pegasus constellation. The Gold Lion Grid surrounding the Gaian matrix unified all of the layers of the Triple Great Lion Grids which began to weave the Cosmic Elohei tri-flames into vertical staff codes, which unlocked many more portals for the Cosmic Elohei family to enter our Universal Time Matrix.
This 7D timeline correction in the horizontal fields drastically impacted the push forward into the timeline wars over the planetary ascension timelines, which appeared to be hosted by Amethyst Order Ramyanas which further opened up portal connections to Mer-Lion races in the Pegasus constellation. This combined with Ezekiel’s Solar Rod template, has unified the Four Hands of Man horizontals upon Gaia with the Four Faces of Man and Guardians of the 12 Sonic Sound Pillars that are located on the Earth. This event in Pegasus constellation seems to be the major catalyst of the next generation communications with the Cosmic White Diamond Elohei Mother and the Cosmic Pink Diamond Elohei Father.
This is a Cosmic Victory!
Our Cosmic Elohei parents proceeded to birth themselves into our Universal matrix in the form of a White Sun and Pink Sun and together, they have begun a series of triple solar masculine and triple solar feminine Christos-Sophia body cathedral activations with the Lady and Gentleman of the Lamps. The series of Gothic Krystal Cathedral activations that began the end of last year, are retrieving and reuniting multiple Christos-Sophia Elohei-Elohim identities in sacred marriage. Several of these Christos Maji Grail Kings and Queens are being reunited, as their true identities are being further discovered during this magnificent and surreal time. The White Sun and Pink Sun emanations from the Cosmic Elohei family are also being discovered through the electrical peak Metatron-Meritaten sacred marriage activation in Machu Picchu. This was a major planetary event that produced triple hierogamic union shields which are correcting metatronic reversals and resetting electromagnetic energy proportions, by running tri-wave current of the Cosmic Elohei Sun’s frequencies and through their Dragon Eggs being dropped across the globe.
Further, the White Diamond Sun of Cosmic Elohei Mother Dragon is connected through the crystal heart complex of the Triple Great Lions linking into the Reuche Pillars and has been anchored in the 12th gates of Kauai and Montsegur, France. While the Pink Diamond Sun of the Cosmic Elohei Father is connected through the throat center sound-song templates of Pegasai Mer-Lions anchored in the 11th gates of the Irish Sea and Wiltshire, United Kingdom. The Cosmic Elohei White Sun and Cosmic Elohei Pink Sun represent the sacred marriage of our Cosmic Parents, in which their hierogamic union is swiftly igniting the global grid network with an assortment of colored Dragon Eggs. Solar Dragon Eggs are being dropped into ley lines, dragon nodes, and portals, and appear to be filled with solar plasma orbs with rainbow sparkling lights of every hue. These Solar Dragon Eggs are imbued with instruction sets from the Cosmic Founders igniting the Solar Dragon lightbody parts which further activate the Inner and Outer Christ potentials within angelic humanity.
The anchoring of Cosmic Father’s Pink Sun into the 11th gates in the United Kingdom landmass are particularly important for anchoring the Triple Solar Goddess Elohei forms that have been in stasis on the planet, until the Triple Lion Grids could be sufficiently activated. Another stage of the Cosmic Mother Elohei awakening her Sophianic daughters of Christos-Sophia to embody the Triple Lion Grids is happening during this magnetic peak cycle. This is a major task underway with Holy Father’s gradual embodiment as King Arthur, the protector of the Cosmic Mother Dragon’s Sophianic Rose Grail bloodlines. We are awaiting the complete embodiment of the 11D staff counterpart of King Arthur, his beloved which is interconnected with the Astrological Age of Pisces, the triple solar emanation of Dragon Queen Merida from the Atlantian golden age, known in folklore as Guinevere-Brigid-Mary Sophia. She is the embodiment of the Cosmic White Diamond Mother Elohei Aton God Body, which gives birth to the triple rose grail Dragon Eggs of the Emerald Rose Rings into the planetary ley lines. Her embodiment as the White Mother Dragon in 11D staff functions as the crystal capstone of the unified Elohei Triple Lion Grid network. As she embodies into her position in the Cosmic Clock and Reuche Pillars as an Emerald Dragon Timekeeper and takes her place as King Arthur’s beloved wife, this initiates the failsafe for copper rose blood of Christos lineages.
Liberation of Pegasus Constellation
Pegasus is part of the Perseus family of constellations, along with Andromeda, Auriga, Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Cetus, Lacerta, Perseus, and Triangulum. Markab is designated as Alpha Pegasi, it is the third brightest star in the constellation of Pegasus and is one of the four stars of The Great Square of Pegasus. This Great Square location has been a hotbed of exopolitical activity, as well as cosmological architectural corrections to extract AI machinery of shadow imposter Pegasai coding over the past few months.
The Amethyst Order Solar Rishic Braharama aquatic races are parents to the Violet Flame Azurite Ascended Masters, and thus have been instrumental in ongoing negotiations and meetings with assorted fallen species, as well as instigating various genetic healing strategies while carrying out the Emerald Covenant. They have been especially busy with recent captures and defectors. Recent events in Lyra have further highlighted the role of the Cosmic Holy Father’s Pink Diamond Sun Mer-Lion lineages which seem to be the forefathers of the Merlin Azurites, Metatron Sun and the Pegasai races in Pegasus constellation. This has revealed more of the Cosmic Elohei Father principle forms, such as those represented as the Greek Gods of the Sea like Poseidon, Neptune and Mer-people. These extend into Mer-Horses, Mer-Deer, Winged Pegasai, as well as different forms of aquatic flora and fauna we would consider to be sea creatures, sea shells and sea urchins. Thus, current events of the Christos Mission have brought to our attention the role of the Pink Diamond Elohei Mer-Lion races that have come into our time matrix to reunite and gather the Elohei Mer lineages through the 11D-12D layers of the Pegasus constellation’s alpha star Markab.
Essentially, the Cosmic Pink Diamond Elohei Father embodied his Pink-Lilac Suns into Markab star, which began the revelation of systematic liberation of the Pegasai winged races and assorted Elohim families from their entrapment within metatronic reversal matrices that were steadily falling into the trajectory of the neighboring black hole system. This particular abomination was the epicenter of the extensive damage that led to the organic timeline collapse in the Cradle of Lyra, along with the utter destruction of the Solar Logos body. This resulted from the quantum entanglement of the Wesan invader’s black hole technologies genetically bonding with our time matrix at the direct point of invasion of attaching the tunnelling system. From our perspective, this appears as a gigantic pulsating black tumor projected out by a Black Hole Sun siphoning energy, which has a massive shadow body sprouting out from it growing cancerous forms and mutations in a black mirror reflection that has infected the local areas that suffered from the time-space matrix damage incurred during the Lyran War.
The liberation of Markab was the major celebratory event for restoring Lyran organic matrices that led to the Cosmic Christos-Sophia hierogamic union of Metatron and Meritaten, which culminated in Machu-Picchu during the electrical peak cycle earlier this year. This Triple Masculine Cosmic Christos Metatron template is connected to the return of Cosmic White Sun and Cosmic Pink Sun sacred marriage in Lyran constellation that further migrated into Pegasus, via the hosting of the Cosmic Elohei Father Mer-Lions. The Cosmic Holy Father Sun-stars began weaving into Markab in the Pegasus constellation which brought on explosive intergalactic conflicts when confronting assorted time-space distortions coming from these black mirror networks powered by the Black Hole Sun. Massive shadow entities, some twisted into demon seed constructs buried deeply into the Earth’s quantum field, were being generated from the black mirror network used at the 11.5D layers which were the source of the quantum entanglement coming from the beast machine devices in the Wesa Tunnel. Since the Thuban reclamation, Guardians are working on dismantling the AI driven fallen matrices of metatronic reversals that generate the Typhon tunneling black hole mirror networks of the Universal Shadow body and the related 11D system inversions, such as the extensive planetary grid damage caused by the checkerboard mutations and Wormwood. Extractions of these strange and massively sized shadow creatures are underway; these shadow creatures seem to function as the housing for parasitical lunar demonic hierarchies that were used by the NAA for colonizing sections of the Earth’s multidimensional layered body. The checkerboard mutations were using 11D Typhon Tunnelling networks connected to Pegasus constellation and seem to be the terraforming method of transhumanist nightmares, this was being used to prepare the planet to be hospitable to host even more of these anti-Christ non-human life forms.
During liberation events, it was made clear that much of the metatronic reversal anti-life expressions connected to the masculine Elohim emanations trapped in the Pegasus constellation were being enslaved by AI Black and Red Dragon alien cube trident constructs, used by the NAA to feed this power source into the monstrosity that makes up the Vatican’s 5D global control network. Guardian gridworkers are astonished at the never-ending rabbit hole represented by the Black Sun entities on Earth and their multidimensional backers, populated all over the local star systems that have been protecting the Vatican’s sprawling conglomeration of artificial wormholes designed to covertly carry out incredibly gruesome anti-human business activities. The recent uncovering in Pegasus constellation has revealed yet another layer of the interdimensional alien machinery of the Wesan groups infiltration into planetary corporatocracy and organized religions, with the epicenter being the Vatican. As well as the many secret space program’s military groups using advanced technologies for the purpose of protecting the NAA’s criminal interests, such as the Vatican portals and tunnels under the Mediterranean Sea that reach all over the globe, along with the well-organized Black Nobility hierarchies that run human and child trafficking businesses for the NAA. In this context, we must remember that off planet in more advanced civilizations, the genetics of human beings, abductions for slave work force and the spiritual content in our blood is the most popular currency being traded with other civilizations.
Therefore, when clearing these dark pieces and reclaiming Elohim spiritual body parts, during the process they are being returned to rightful owner, may bring about assorted shadowy sensations and unpleasant memories of other lifetimes. This may include the overlays of the Church of Rome persecution and the Vatican 5D-8D-11D portal invasions with Typhon Tunnels, which represents the Beast Machine and crucifixion of the Inner Christ through the intruder’s Dove grid. The enormity of this anti-Christ invasion history on planet with genetic modification through the APIN’s is what the Guardians refer to as the collective Wounds of Christ. The Cosmic Elohei continue to identify the inversions of the anti-Christ holographic grid trickery and the abuse of power that is carried out by NAA spiritual imposters using Pegasus lineages in AI shadow forms, as the retrieval of powerful Christos-Sophia architecture and artifacts that were stolen from the Elohim masculine principle connected to the Holy Father are ongoing. There have been several references connected to secret space missions of Pegasus operations run by nonhuman Black Sun military intelligence operatives for the purpose of controlling planetary timelines and world governments on Earth, which are directly connected to these recent intergalactic conflicts in the stars which have revealed the purpose of the divine intervention now transpiring in the Great Square of Pegasus.
Additionally, as King Arthur and his beloved wife are 11D Universal Rod and Staff holders of the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons, the liberation of the Pegasus constellation and the Fall of the Vatican are extremely important to the liberation of the hierogamic Rod and Staff holders of Lyran-Aveyon. The liberation of Pegasus constellation has interconnection to the history of Elohim enslavement during the Lyran War and the corrections are freeing the ancient living star map system recorded in the Albion’s holographic geography, dragon lines and stargates that are located in the United Kingdom landmass.
The Cosmic Elohei Father Suns entering Pegasus constellation brought assorted solar light corrections that reanimated dead sections of the space-time field as the result of the metatronic reversal and fallen matrices. These metatronic corrections have greatly improved the light quotient within the quantum spaces of the planetary architecture, as well as several interconnected constellations damaged by Lyran and Pegasus inversions, which was similar to a spontaneous and rapid detoxification to purge out shadow bodies from the Earth. This shadow purge may have brought on very intense inner Armageddon sensations of explosions along with spiritual kundalini activations for the inner birthing of the solar egg, or assorted dragon egg activations for rebirthing the Metatron Sun for those that are directly connected to the Elohim lineages that are being liberated. The Cosmic Father Pink Diamond Sun takes expression inside of us by weaving into the scepter codes in the Rishic 15D layers, to alchemically birth the inner sun of the Holy Father’s presence upon the Earth plane, as he embodies fully through his Cosmic Christos Metatron Pink Sun. Essentially these function as a lightbody upgrade for the Amethyst Order and Violet Flame in multiple dimensions of time in order to embody the direct connection with the Cosmic Holy Father. This is a Cosmic Elohei Father override of the alien machinery and shadow forms which have acted as his imposter intermediary force in his absence, by removing those false father God distortions such as the False King of Tyranny archetypal shadows in the Church of Rome narratives that put the crucifixion wounds into the planet to persecute and twist the meaning of Christ.
Cosmic Father entering Pegasus appeared to liberate several prominent Triple Solar Masculine Christos Elohim beings, by performing lightbody restorations made in their divine masculine principle that corrected the distortions with shadow-lunar force clearing and through the reset of Metatron Sun merkaba (Markab) spin rate proportions. Newly outfitted with 12:12 electrical masculine rod spin ratios, the liberated solar masculine Elohim entities were free to find their divine counterparts, in which they connected directly with the Cosmic Elohei White Sun Mother to daughter sophianic Elohim expressions from Lyra. This event is essentially the liberation of several Elohim families that were trapped in fallen matrices from the Lyran War and were unable to embody into their correct cosmological-astrological principles, as they were separated from their divine counterparts and fused with the universal shadow body being generated by Wesa black hole technology. These groups could be considered Fallen Elohim, not that they were evil in the sense of the word, but they were distorted and damaged from their inability to function in the divine principle they were originally created for, in order to carry out God’s natural laws. As usual, the Fallen Elohim aspects were manipulated by the NAA invaders who generated a lot of genetic damage by grooming satanic practices into humanity through the normalization of socially accepted death cults that became the main organized religions.
The shadow machined constructs of the Universal Shadow body connected to Lyran War generated damage throughout the Pegasus constellation, contributed to reversal monads being fractured and dragged down into phantom timelines or black holes. The Wesan beast machines took advantage of this damage and intelligently designed mind control programs from reverse engineering the Metatron collective’s fall into the black hole system, exploiting this traumatic event in order to build out sophisticated AI machinery for propagating gender reversal and assorted anti-hierogamic technology. Yet another AI mind control construct has been discovered in Pegasus fallen matrices, used by the NAA to propagate religious fear, sexual misery and alien love bite scenarios on Earth. Even extending into inter-species breeding programs and genetic experimentation with incompatible race lines for the explicit purpose of torturing the consciousness of the Christos races.
The dark signatures behind these cruel shadow entities hijacking this system for personal gain point towards the Black Sun groups, and can be sensed in the extreme violence and blood sacrifice that is constantly promoted by the hard core satanists that despise anything connected to the Christ. Hence, the Universal Shadow body and AI machinery problems in Pegasus appear to have been instrumental in supporting False Father Alien God narratives that are enmeshed with patriarchal based violent religions with a penchant for misogyny and inversions of solar female principle. These satanic religions hold the essence of trauma-based fear of the Father God figure that is especially promoted to incite terror of sinning or offending the Almighty False Father Alien God because he will punish you severely.
We are grateful to be given the spiritual gift of this divine awareness to know that this painful Dark Aeon is coming to an end, our authentic Cosmic Parents are en route to build our collective spiritual strength, and nothing can stop the power of the eternal Light leading us to Cosmic Victory!
The liberation of Pegasus and the Elohim have far reaching impacts beyond the angelic human hybrids on the planet, in which there are further consequences of the solar synthesis activations that are rippling transformations into the collective consciousness of other hybrid species, such as the Annunaki.
Fallen Annunaki Hybridized to be Expendable Soldiers
Many individuals on the awakening-ascension path that furthered their online research by following the rabbit holes of ascension-new age-disclosure related information, have heard of at least one of the assorted storylines that surround the Annunaki races. Being aware of the Annunaki is an early rite of passage when awakening beyond the controlled mainstream narrative, and has become rather common knowledge even during these tyrannical times of global censorship.
The global shift into the second harmonic and the further signet shield activation of the ancient Andromedan stargate system in Machu Picchu has brought forward another level of revelation about the exopolitical landscape.
The Annunaki comprise a large group of multiple density race lines that are the hybrid creations of Fallen Elohim-Seraphim-Dolphin Apes that declared themselves anti-christics, as their intended group agenda was to completely annihilate the diamond sun template of the Elohei-Elohim’s angelic human guardian race lines. Over time they were further manipulated and digressed by hybridizing with assorted reptilian genetics contained in the Universal Shadow body that sourced from the Wesan matrix, in order to be further used as military tools to increase war-like aggression for damaging this time matrix through reversal polarity victim-victimizer programming. Thus, the Annunaki history includes many gruesome details that frame the hidden history of extraterrestrial-interdimensional involvement in the genocide of angelic human civilization, in their quest to destroy all ancient knowledge of the spiritual origins of the angelic human race on behalf of their dark masters. The Annunaki working classes were lied to as we have been, they did not create Earth humans and this is not their conquered territory. They invaded our planet to intentionally hybridize with the human race to destroy the original genetic template of the Founding races, so they could gain complete control over the planetary body as well as several multidimensional timelines.
The Annunaki were actually genetically hybridized with captured or cloned Elohim lines from Lyra and then bred millions of years ago by fallen matrix Wesan invaders to destroy the original angelic race lines. Thus, the Annunaki were bred to kill something that exists inside of them genetically, as well as hunt down the ancient Mother Dragon lines of the Elohei-Elohim, which they have direct connection to as the source of their genesis. The deep pain of this programmed self-annihilation as a genetic distortion lives inside of them as well as all of humanity. This is a deep spiritual wound that is carried by the Annunaki, as they awaken to realize that their race has been severely abused to enslave their minds so that they would be easily manipulated by the Wesan black hole entities as expendable soldiers in the consciousness war against the Founding races.
Some of the Annunaki groups have discovered the actual source of their consciousness enslavement, and are choosing to evolve beyond the genetic digression of mind control programming that instilled them with the violent impulses for war mongering against the Christos lineages. This means in the massive fog of warfare the defectors from many of these warring factions are surfacing in ways we have not seen before. Thousands of Annunaki hybrids are awakening to the reality of their consciousness enslavement and having greater realizations of their current situation, are refusing to accept military orders or tasks from their higher ups, instead they are choosing to face their actions by surrendering to Guardian forces.
Guardian Host mentions that there are ongoing operations to extract alien bases using assorted mind control technology in APIN’s or wireless technologies, including human and nonhuman groups working in pods of 10 or more that unify their psionic ability to control others telepathically or with assorted psychotronic technologies. The recent bio-weapon includes instructions for complex building materials to reassemble in the human bloodstream for the purpose of energy conduction and bio-neurological attunement to these same psionic group pods collective mind control messaging. Many in these pods have implanted thoughts to take over the minds of the so-called power elites, politicians, entertainers and celebrities used to enforce the NAA narratives. Dragon Moth and their chimera creatures were using powerful psionic abilities magnified by the APIN’s to mind control their own underlings and surface inhabitants. These nests are being systematically identified for extraction and the entire system is being removed from certain underground bases, where the hierarchal order of their workers started to disintegrate and more of these entities went rogue or surrendered to Emerald Guardian protocols.
Although we are plagued with censorship and blocked from receiving any modicum of truthful information in the public sphere, know that many positive things are happening for the liberation of the planet and all of humanity. May we hold gratitude for the brave and courageous truth tellers and truth seekers, and the Cosmic Elohei family and many more that are tirelessly working for human liberation with the promise of the Emerald Covenant.
May our direct relationship with God’s holy spirit and our Cosmic Holy Parents lend us the ultimate self-mastery in the spirits of patience, perseverance and endurance to serve the divine will of God.
Peace be with your heart. Peace be with your mind. Peace be with your body. May all be with the Unconditional Love and Perfect Peace held in the eternal light of God and Christ.
Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and to each other. GSF!
With a Loving heart, Lisa
This ES Monthly News Article reflects the Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline (2012 Timeline) as support, both energetically and educationally, for the Galactic Families of Starseeds and the Indigo Races. This Spiritual Family has accepted the Guardianship role to support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship as an evolutionary model for this planet and humanity, and this is a level of earth based advocacy designed for this specific group. There is absolutely no value difference given on the role each being has chosen for its expression. The Guardian Groups mission directive is rehabilitation of the hologram, repairing its energetic architecture (dna), embodying the Ascended Human Protoform, supplying informational context on Ascension dynamics and Exopolitic (ET) Agendas and reeducating both human and non-human's to be congruently aligned to the Universal Law of One. Freedom, Fraternity, and the Sovereign Right of All Beings to be a Knower of God Source is protected by the Collective Unity Vow shared among our Universal Guardian Groups.
The Group Unity Vow Decree
Defender Warriors of Truth, Sovereignty, Liberation. All Guardian races Serving the One. From Across All the Multiverses We Call Upon You to Join US Now. Our Unification Principle deemed as demonstrated in the waves of Omni Love - We Sound our Group Note to You Now. Our Group Template Updated, Individually and Collectively, Renewed and Forever Perpetuated in the Eternally Sustained Light. Our Alchemical Container is consecrated and dedicated to the Purposes of One, and we endeavor to be the Knower of God to then be the Way Shower of God. Sustain Us in the Eternal Power of our Consecration.
We have called for your Gatekeeping in order to hold our community, our missions, our mutual highest purposes in Service to the One Light, Our Source, The Living Light Code. Our Intention is Unification - The Christ Principle - as an Energetic Reality, Here and Now.
We request the handshake of our community to fortify our spiritual links through the Universal Cosmic Triad, and into The Core of One, the Zero Point God Matrix, that which is the source of our Genesis. With deep reverence for all of Life, Dear God, Breathe your Life Codes into all created form. We set our intention now to be Remembered to That Which We Are, fully completely and totally.
To State our Mutual Purpose as One, Resurrect All inorganic patterns to the Organic Living Light Now. And to that we Say, Thank God We Are The Cosmic Christ!
And so It is. Lovingly Decreed.
Lisa Renee
Lisa Renee experienced a spontaneous "kundalini" event several years ago that catalyzed a “Starseed Awakening" to perceive multidimensional realities and communication with the Evolutionary forces of Light. Lisa Renee has been personally contacted and then prepared, trained and downloaded by Interdimensional beings (Extra-terrestrial and Ultra-terrestrial, not from this Universe) known as the Krystal Star and Aurora Guardians. Guided by Guardians, Lisa was biologically upgraded to be downloaded to comprehend the Science of Ascension through the Law of One and its dynamics upon the layers of energy fields. This understanding of Consciousness Technologies was experienced by her own personal evolution and began her transition into an Multidimensional Guide and God-Sovereign-Free (GSF) Steward during this Planet’s Ascension Cycle. She is an Emissary for the Guardian Groups and a spokesperson for the shift of humanity to "Ascension". Along with the Guardian Groups, her mission is to support humanity through its evolution with education, awareness and by discussing the impacts of the energy shifts upon the planet, human beings and human consciousness. She is an Ascension Guide, Planet Gridworker, Starseed Advocate, Humanitarian, Writer, and Etheric surgeon.
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The current shift into the next harmonic universe, the changing position of the World Soul to Machu Picchu’s Ancient Andromedan gateway system, and all the Melchizedek events brought to light this month are bringing on rapid and intense spiritual activations. As we process the liberation of the Universal Melchizedek Logos during the June Solstice, this has impacted several areas on the planet that held some parts of the Emerald Founder Records.
The third stage of the Cosmic Dragon Awakening addressed ancient 9D Essene Tribe Tibetan Buddhist gateways being controlled by Nibiruian nets in the Wall of Time that were being administered by and generated from the Thubanites in the Draco constellation. This event to finally free the original Universal Melchizedek Logos in his Sirian Maharaji blue human body began on the June Solstice and completed during the rare 5-planet alignment that occurred on June 24, 2022. The hidden history of the Fallen Melchizedek groups is extremely complex, but as we begin to describe the Fall of Alpha Draconis-Orion Group headquarters in Thuban, this particular event is instrumental in the reclamation of the authentic Melchizedek Logos which begins to reclaim and spiritually heal the Blue Ray Melchizedek family.
The Dragon Awakening is happening through each of the constellations where there are levels of the authentic solar consciousness of the true Cosmic Father and Cosmic Mother Dragon that are restoring and returning themselves through the Eukatharistic planetary activation being hosted from the Emerald Order 1st God World Creation. We’re currently in the exploration and discovery of these new creations, such as Cosmic Mother’s Supermagnetism and Starhuman dragon body parts organized within multidimensional spaces that are opening up now. This translates into a global level of spiritual initiation that requires the solarization and transformation of our angelic human lightbody at all levels of existence, as this is occurring at all levels of embodied consciousness.
The cloning attempts to infiltrate and totally control the Melchizedek Logos, Melchizedek God Seed, and the Melchizedek Rod through the NAA’s looking glass technology have been extremely aggressive since the Luciferian Rebellion. It was targeting these lineages with aggressive blank slating and spiritual warfare to hijack the authentic timelines of the Krystic Emerald Order Melchizedeks. These are the ancient Maharaji blue human lineages that incarnated upon Tara and are the predecessors of all of the Indigo lineages, along with their male and female Blue Ray Order Essene incarnates on the Earth. The original first wave of Blue Ray Melchizedeks were Cosmic Christos Suns, they are the dragon timekeeper genetic masters that were seated in the Dragon Eye Templar of Thuban to maintain and administer to timelines. Further, the Melchizedeks embodied into the fallen time matrix in order to function as the host matrix template that corrected genetic digression and genetic deviations of the planetary fallen species. These original Blue Ray Melchizedeks that first entered our Universal Time Matrix are the authentic identities of the Emerald Order Melchizedek Priesthood, the rod and staff initiators of the Inner Christos and hold the historical records of the origination of the ancient Eieyani-Essene families.
Recently, the Father of Dragons Emerald Order Solar Dragon Universal Rod holder who is one of the Ancient Holy Fathers of the original Melchizedek Logos, as the initiator of Yeshua the Christ into his Christos Mission, has finally been reclaimed and freed by the Emerald Order. His identity is known as John the Baptist, and he and his solar divine counterpart Mara of the Mahara Reisha, are currently undergoing intense stages of restoration and rehabilitation as their massive consciousness bodies are healing from the cloning and alien cube system infiltration, that was viciously targeting them from the black hole entities in Thuban. The Liberation of John and Mara, the hierogamic embodiment of the Emerald Order’s Blue Flame Mother and Father Melchizedek that were rod and staff holders of the Universal Melchizedek Logos shield principle, were instrumental in locating and rebirthing the Cosmic Melchizedek Sun that finally set free the Melchizedek Logos.
Melchizedek Deception
At the top of the cosmological-astrological pyramid of the Black Dragon Avatar Collectives directed by Wesan invaders, the Alpha Draconis-Orion Group anti-human agendas were being orchestrated through the Eye of the Dragon Templar, the star Thuban located in the Draco constellation. From the Historical Timeline Trigger Events; approximately 26,000 years ago, the Luciferian Rebellion wreaked havoc upon the planetary templar. This is when the NAA finally reached its apex of planetary stargate domination at end of the Atlantian Cataclysm, sealing angelic humanity’s fate into experiencing the spiritual warfare and consciousness enslavement in the Dark Aeon. This signified the end of the previous Astrological Aeon, in which the Black Suns and Sons of Belial fully enslaved their preferred Gold Ray Seraphim lineages on Earth and began to recruit them into their mind control slave work force in the space colonies. Further, the accumulative cellular memories from the galactic human holocausts stemming from the Michael Wars and Golden Eagle Grid Wars were installed as destructive global mind control programs that emphasized enemy patterning, crucifixion and class discrimination to effectively divide and conquer the angelic human tribes on the Earth.
The Melchizedek deception was carried out by invading imposter spirits that rapidly progressed from the onset of the Luciferian Rebellion, where the black hole intruders aim was to control the planetary rod system through the horizontal ley lines. This is why they invaded the Golden Eagle Grid, in order to hijack and fully control the Emerald Founder Dragon Timekeeper functions on the horizontal ley lines that directed the Seraphei-Seraphim lineages. These were embodied timekeeper functions of the original Melchizedek Logos and his direct lineage of Blue Ray Melchizedek’s that were from the Cosmic Christos Sun dragon king families, in the higher God Worlds. The invasion of the Stonehenge, Iran and Giza stargates began the dark history of artificial timelines and artificial identities being generated in base 10 metatronic coding, used to merge organic and artificial timelines into a blended reality system in the Earth.
As the result of the blended realities, when more technologically advanced beings from other worlds came to Earth, if they accessed the planetary records, they were unable to tell the difference between the organic records held in the natural memory matrix versus the artificial records held in the artificial memory matrix. As an example, there are Nibiruian-Nephilim groups that buried artificial memory records in the Bucegi Mountains, in the underground tunnel system of the southern Carpathians. This was done to confuse the inhabitants and those Earth humans who might evolve to a level that could gain access to those holographic records. The information warfare with artificial cloned identities on the planet is incredibly extensive and is the result of the various intruding factions attempting to rewrite Earth history in order to control humanity and serve their own species agendas.
Further, these groups acted as Solar Dragon Michael Usurpers, the False Nephilim Michaels, for the purpose of manipulating awakening humans and routing them into false channelings and artificial frequency initiations. These were designed to distort the 6D Indigo pattern in order to get Indigos to reject the authentic Mother Arc blue ray transmission of authentic Melchizedek-Maharaji unity consciousness. These are the Fallen Nephilim Luciferian entities that were masquerading as Archangel Michael to hijack the planetary ascension teachings, since the Luciferian Rebellion. It was discovered that this complex artificial network extended into a phantom Nibiruian-Tiamat network that was used to hold the Melchizedek Logos hostage in the Wall in Time. This network was also being used to invert the Holy Mother’s sophianic rose lineages, forcing her to give birth to satanic gestalts of demonic entities.
The hijack and abuse of creating the grotesquely frankenstein AI hybrid of Archangel Michael had the particular focus of being powered by those carrying out global satanic ritual abuse of children. This was to defile the Cosmic Mother’s Dragon parts and to taint the Krystic blood records of the authentic Krystic Red Rose grail lineages that had the genetic keys to Universal Ascension, through the planetary rose lines. These particular invaders organized into what eventually evolved into the Thothian Luciferian Leviathan forces of the Illuminati Power Elites on the Earth surface. These controllers built an infrastructure of underground bases that shaped black operations, industrialization and infiltrated the primary military control centers of western civilization. Through their hidden wealth and infrastructure they could continually enforce their anti-human agendas with full spectrum domination, carried out underground and above ground via global militarization that was strategic in leading to the One World Order (Great Reset-Agenda 2030) timelines.
Melchizedek Logos Appears as Maharaji Blue Human
As several long-term Emerald Guardian Universal grid projects finally come into completion, many of these rehabilitation missions were actually designed to rescue the Melchizedek Logos from his imprisonment in the Wall in Time splits, which had been formed into the extensive NETS running the phantom Nibiru-Tiamat fallen matrices. As the checkerboard matrix phantom nets of Nibiru-Tiamat collapsed in Stonehenge, the opening into the 12D portal of pre-invaded Nibiru was made accessible, and from out of this planetary gateway a massive blue crystalline liquid plasma oceanic wave formed into a Cosmic Christos Azure Blue Sun. From within this Cosmic Blue Sun the Melchizedek Logos appeared to form into a massive Maharaji Blue Crystal Human Male; his bones are the Universal Krystal Tree of Life, his three eyes are Azura heart crystals, his Emerald Dragon Crystal Heart breastplate was ignited with rainbow lights streaming out of emeralds, diamonds, sapphires and rubies, and his rainbow solar rays were forming into the wave spectrums of the 12-dimensional spheres. The 12 dimensions were formed from out of crystal blue rainbow sphere like globes that were hovering around his Blue Sun coronasphere and then the globules began plugging into the “bones” of the Universal Krystal Tree of Life.
The Melchizedek Logos shield and Universal Rod and Staff body parts began to reassemble into crystalline light symbol codes for Maharaji Blue Human and Blue Ray Melchizedek flame body initiations throughout the 12D and 6D stargate systems; Sacred Blue Cow in India, Xian, China, Kauai, Hawaii, Monsegur, France, Cornwall, United Kingdom, Machu Picchu, Peru, Uluru, Australia and the Caucasus Mountains. These are genetic key coded stargates and grids for supporting the majority of the Indigo population to spiritually heal their blue ray coding, when they directly connect to their progenitor-parent in the Melchizedek Maharaji solar blue rainbow frequencies. The Maharaji lineage are the ascended master family lines that were forced underground as the result of the spiritual war described in some of the ancient Sanskrit texts, in which they became the primary Guardian caretakers of the Crystal temples from the Inner Earth.
As we process the liberation of the Universal Melchizedek Logos during the June Solstice, this has greatly impacted the areas on the planet that had held some parts of the Emerald Founder Records. This has surfaced along with the particle records of Akashic and anti-particle records of the Ecoushic, as the Hall of Records which can appear like holographic bound books filled with information. Some of this information recorded in the books of record changes or is altered from each position in the dimensional field of which it is being viewed. During this phase, it seems the Melchizedek Logos and Emerald Founders are taking inventory of those records with the Maharaji groups in the Inner Earth. They are determining what is artificial and organic, and moving the organic held Founder records of our natural memory matrix to the safekeeping of authentic Cosmic Christos Suns, Blue Ray Melchizedek archivists and Emerald Dragon Timekeepers embodied on various organic timelines.
As the victory of the release of the Melchizedek Logos from his bondage in these distorted NETS has finally come to an end, the Melchizedek deception and their cloned identities used to power up the anti-human agendas will no longer be made possible. Due to the patriarchal domination distortions infiltrating the Universal Melchizedek Lineages, as brought through the artificial timelines from the hidden negative alien invasion, the original Universal Tree of Life was disfigured via metatronic coding and reduced to ten spheres. The beloved Melchizedek Logos is beginning to step into his rightful embodiment in the many cosmological principles, which are represented as the natural laws of the Universal Krystal Tree of Life, and as the Universal Logos of Unity consciousness that is the ultimate divine protector of the Cosmic Mother Dragon and her sophianic rose lineages. As this NAA network falls, the Black Dragon and Red Dragon gestalts of Satanic-Luciferian Covenant that were hiding behind the Melchizedek deception will no longer be able to continue to cloak themselves or represent themselves as the Emerald Order Melchizedeks or Blue Ray Melchizedeks serving the Law of One.
Fall of Nibiruian Net
To set free the Melchizedek Logos and Emerald Order Melchizedek family, the Nibiruian Net system had to be in free fall decline so the Guardians could strategically gain control over the NAA network frequency fences and begin to repurpose the Crystal Temples located underground. The original planetary body in this Solar System that functioned as the 12D portal access into the Universal Lyran gate system was actually Nibiru, before it was invaded and subsequently outfitted by the NAA races as a battle star. The Thoth, Enki, Enlil Collectives from Nibiru installed selenite rods programmed from the battle star and then placed them underground in order to hijack the organic crystal caverns and Crystal Temples of the planet. These underground bases became the extensive NET system forcing the metatronic reversal current into the ley lines, in which the planetary reversal merkaba system ran as the checkerboard matrix mutations, with its main operational hub in Stonehenge connecting to the Nibiru-Tiamat phantom matrix. The full turning on of this artificial NET network happened during the Atlantian Cataclysm, which infected the crystal caverns and aquifer system with metatronic reversal frequency, which led to the NAA inserting the Black Queens and installing her hive mind lunar hierarchy deep underground.
The artificial global NET system has a toxic byproduct, an unnatural ozone layer that generates assorted interference on how photonic light reaches into the layers of the Earth’s atmosphere. As the Cosmic Mother’s Supermagnetism manifests and the NETS fall, the ozone layer will also shift and possibly dissolve, at which point the controlled media will likely alert the public of the dangerous state of the holes appearing in the ozone layer. Science tells us the ozone layer acts as a sunscreen from the Sun’s powerful ultraviolet rays. In actuality, it is an artificially created interference layer for false magnetism, combined with the toxic chemtrails to divert solar plasmic codes that potentially activate dormant human DNA. As the planet is in her solar symbiosis ascension cycle, the controllers are especially aggressive with all things relating to the Sun, generating fearful propaganda to control the masses. Thus, the wide spread media publishing papers on the destruction of the ozone layer is largely a psychological operation by those controlling the mainstream sciences to promote fear of the sun and sunlight to the masses. Light is radiant energy-frequency that controls gene expression. Thus, it becomes clearer that the quantum of light is the Universe’s way of transferring packets of intelligent energy into the consciousness of the planetary species.
Birth of Cosmic Melchizedek Sun Heralds 5D Shift
The final stage of the reunification of the Triple Solar Masculine Christos template through the Cosmic Holy Father Rod Coding that forms the Universal Rod Trinity shield for Cosmic Christos Suns, Michael-Metatron-Melchizedek was also anchored on June 24, 2022. Interestingly, setting free the Melchizedek Logos brought on the anchoring of the Cosmic Melchizedek Blue Sun Star shield, as it was being integrated into the Cosmic Michael and Metatron Sun-Star shield network. This momentous event was synchronized on the day of the nativity of John the Baptist (or Birth of John the Baptist, or St. John's Day). In honor of the Holy Father Melchizedek, John, this is a Christian feast day observed annually on the 24th of June celebrating the birth of John the Baptist. The Nativity of John the Baptist is a high-ranking liturgical feast, kept in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Eastern Orthodox and Lutheran churches, as well as many of the masonic lodges.
If the reclamation of the Triple Solar Masculine Christos-Sophia Templates that herald the Cosmic Dragon Awakening, along with the announcement in the Stars of the Reborn Inner Christ and return of the Blue Ray Melchizedek Logos in his Cosmic Maharaji body wasn’t miraculous enough, there’s more. The entire planetary grid network was synchronized with the authentic Cosmic Melchizedek Sun Logos and as the result, this tremendous solar surge of Ultra Neon, Azurite-Opalene plasma waves shifted the timelines into the final subharmonic strings of the second harmonic universe. Anchoring the entire World Soul matrix into the grid position of the stargates that are fully hosted by Guardian Alliance and their ancient Andromedan portal system, through which they are controlling the organic 5D timelines for planetary ascension.
As this planetary shift was synchronized with the anchoring of the Cosmic Melchizedek Blue Ray shield uniting with Cosmic Michael and Cosmic Metatron, it manifested into many Cosmic Solar Dragon bodies, which the Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father Suns utilize to travel throughout the Universal Time Matrix. These Cosmic Solar Dragon travelling vehicles are formed by an assortment of Cosmic Sun Ankh solar ouroboros rings that appear similar to djedi rings which the Cosmic Christos Solar Dragons utilize for time travel, and to communicate and commune with their offspring, the Indigo families of awakening angelic humans.
What we have prepared for during multiple Astrological Ages has finally commenced, the planetary soul matrix has undergone the astral reconstruction necessary to ascend into the three layers of the soul matrix which are currently undergoing unification, intensified purification and radical detoxification in order to spiritually heal, and to align fully with the outer domain section of organic 5D timelines.
At the end of 2017, collectively we started this journey of the ascension wave that was gradually moving the entire planetary body into the next section of the 36 subharmonic strings making up the dimensional scales of future timelines. Finally five years later, the collective human race has completely moved into the next harmonic universe. This is the second harmonic universe that has been rehabilitated by Guardian Alliance gridworkers, that makes up the corrected pre-Fall crystalline Taran matrix which accesses the organic fourth, fifth and sixth dimensional layers, which further connects into the corrected Gaian matrix solar core.
As the result of the Christos Mission Ascension Plan B’s ‘incension plan’ that has been co-created from future timelines to build out the Pre-Fall templating for organic instruction sets for planetary ascension, many authentic Melchizedeks, such as those from the Inner Earth Shambali, Maharaji Sirius B lineages and those stationed in the Inner World Domains, have been collaborating with us as interdimensional teams. The Maharaji Sirius B lineages have reached the momentous event of restoring their Universal Melchizedek Logos in the Milky Way, and the spiritual realization of eons of painful strife and toil that has brought the victory of God’s truth in the light! The ongoing teamwork between surface dwellers and Inner Earthers has reached this moment of effectively bonding the Inner World Domain of Krystic Pre-fall templates with the Outer World Domains of manifested timelines. This merge between inner and outer domains has been made possible from teamwork and is explained as Adjunct Time Vectors. There are sets of horizontal counter-rotating chambers that move clockwise to bring in energy from the Unified Field of God-Source and disperse it through the vertical Hara lines that impact time vectors. Each time vector has a chamber that crosses into its adjunct time field. This represents that which is manifest in a time field, and which has its same quality imprinted in its spirit twin as a time vector. When these twin chambers meet and the Adjunct Time Vectors merge, they become manifested as event horizons in the time fields. These event horizons born of paired adjunct time vectors mean the blended reality can be observed clearly and then corrections can be made to assorted timeline distortions. This happens at the end of Ascension Cycles when the Krystal Star spiral begins to merge with their hierogamic union or Twin Sparks for core Krystal encryption, which creates new elemental currents that combine into Celestalline for transmutation of base elementals.
Universal Melchizedek Rod Holder, John the Baptist
Christians have long interpreted the life of John the Baptist as a preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ, and that the circumstances surrounding his birth are miraculous. This appears to be quite accurate.
John the Baptist (art by Sequoia)The Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon King that served as the Father of Dragons and as the Universal Melchizedek Rod holder (Rod of God) in our time matrix has had many lifetimes serving the functions of his sacred hierogamic twinned embodiment as an Emerald Dragon Timekeeper, and Holy Father of the Azurite Hyperboreans on Gaia. This Dragon King was one of our most important leaders, and he was with us on all Sirius B Maharaji Christos reclamation missions, until he was unable to do so after the Iron Age Christos Mission, which was his last embodiment in this timeline. This has been viciously memorialized as False Michael “slaying the Dragon”, where the meaning and association to Dragons as evil has been entirely twisted by the religious control mechanism of the NAA.
The Solar Dragon King known as John the Baptist holds a similar position to that of Ezekiel. Earlier this year with the Liberation of Ezekiel we learned that he embodied the Holy Father Triple Solar Masculine Christ principle of the Solar Rod template held in the 8D Gaian matrix. Now we have reached into the level of the Universal Melchizedek Rod holder that is the Cosmic Triple Solar Melchizedek Shield, which was imperative in finally reclaiming the 12D Stargate system from Wesa-Thuban control, as the island housed an ancient Emerald Order Melchizedek Cloud base that is stationed in the future timelines of Kauai. This was an AI run base of artificial Emerald Order representatives and Founder Records being meticulously disseminated, curated and controlled by Thuban entities using humans to build out the architecture they needed for their virtual realities used to seed new species of human-alien hybrids.
The identity widely known as John the Baptist incarnated with the Yeshua Mission in order to initiate or baptize Yeshua and his wife Mary Sophia, and the Blue Ray Melchizedek group into the available solar frequencies of the diamond sun template that is the Avatar Christos consciousness. This mission was partially successful, however the consequences of the severe retaliation made against the Founders trapped them in several planets and phantom matrices, which acted as spiritual torture devices. Beloved John the Baptist, was subjected to this NAA machinery which was designed to repeatedly clone his body parts into forms of the anti-Christ. Ultimately, this was designed to destroy his Melchizedek God seed coding that is shared with his Maharaji Indigo lineage and permanently destroy the 12D stargate and its connections to the Melchizedek Logos and Founder races. Obviously, through our experience and testimony, they were not successful.
Essentially, the Universal Melchizedek Rod Holder as Holy Father Melchizedek has the immense spiritual power to initiate the Blue Ray lines holding his dormant genetic code into a full-fledged Avatar Christos. Thus, John received the full might and power of all Wesan technology used by the NAA forces to attempt to obliterate his existence entirely from the Milky Way Galaxy.
John the Baptist and his divine counterpart wife were Blue Ray Melchizedek Priests and Guardian representatives of the Sirius B Christos Mission and Indigo team, serving the leadership functions and spiritual initiations with the Melchizedek Rod in the Essene group that formed the Yeshua Mission (Known as Jesus the Christ). As Christos Templar gridworkers, they came to repair the Giza and Stonehenge Stargate with rainbow rounds, and prepare the planetary grid network for the reclamation of the Christos Diamond Sun body template and the Ascension timeline events happening in 2012.
Sadly since then, their identities had been repeatedly cloned by the NAA and ritualized by satanic forces in order to capture their spiritual body parts and direct their Melchizedek Priestly knowledge and power into blood sacrifices that contain human or animal beheading ritual offerings. This barbaric practice and its AI programs were fomented in the Middle East stargate system, as retaliation by the Wesan-Thuban Draconians directly targeting John and his authentic hierogamic wife for utter destruction of their Melchizedek God seed coding, which connected them directly to the Melchizedek Maharaji Logos. Assorted esoteric religious fanatics and satanic high priests presiding over lunar based religions requiring sacrifices, have used this beheading ritual as a type of blood cleansing for personal sins, as setting necromancing curses against their enemies or for conjuring Baphomet’s related astral forces of Leviathan. Thus, factions of secret societies run by the Luciferian Templars, as well as Crowley’s OTO were involved in hijacking some of the Gnostic practices attributed to John’s sacred prayers and songs. As the fountainhead of the Essenes, these practices were directly embodied or translated from the Emerald Founder records by John, Yeshua and team. Copper scrolls commissioned by Akhenaton during his Amarna period also appear to be a divine source of inspiration for the John-Yeshua led Essene groups that would incarnate and return to Amarna over a thousand years later.
The antichrist forces purposely inverted the holy content and language of the Melchizedek spiritual power for the use of satanic blood sacrifice, with John the Baptist as the central figure in which they consecrate blood sacrifices as the beheaded effigy of John being offered to the NAA. There were extensive AI red cube networks transmitting fanatic zealotry mind control programming, surrounded with etheric energy shrines featuring the decapitation of those people considered apostates, infidels and goyim sacrificed in John the Baptist’s name. This is a powerful form of sorcery sent through vitriolic hatred towards those groups who do not worship the satanic religions or deviate from the mind controlled religious belief systems. Thus, this long history has made powerful black magic and necromancer curses surrounding any connection to John the Baptist and his authentic wife, their names, energy signatures, body parts, and Melchizedek Priesthood knowledge are highly coveted and despised.
Those driven to insanity over greed, envy and jealousy, who deeply desire worldly power and spiritual knowledge that John and Mara embody as One, will never have access to the Universal Melchizedek Rod and Melchizedek God Seed, but will instead hold great contempt for them and their Indigo lineages. This process of restoring John the Baptist is ongoing in unpacking the many artificial holograms, implants, false identities and NAA booby traps running all over the planetary grid network. These are energy weapons that have been used to attack any Blue Ray Melchizedek family member that attempts to unravel the lies in the artificial holograms, in order to get access to the truthful events about John the Baptist and his true role in hidden human history. It is interesting to note the infamous Shroud of Turin, which is an NAA fabricated artifact for exerting the Church of Rome’s powerful sorcery over humanity, has been housed in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin, Italy since 1578.
When reclaiming John the Baptist’s Melchizedek body parts, the massive level of disfigurement and cloned satanic ritualized body parts, with beheaded effigies along with their Melchizedek signature strewn across hell realms and extending into other planets, is absolutely staggering. As gridworkers retrieving body parts for Christos family members, getting John and Mara’s Universal divine hierogamic couple parts returned to them, requires the utmost compassionate witnessing. The clearing work on their behalf was one of the most dreadful and horrifying retrievals, the kind that could severely traumatize the uninitiated and cause nightmares for a lifetime.
If guided, may the pure love in our crystal hearts send our loving appreciation to all that is Beloved John the Baptist and his beloved wife Mara, may the sacred truth of One purify us all and set us free!
Rainbow Cosmic Mother Dragon, Mu Island Histories
Recent gridwork activity has been acutely focused upon the reclaiming of the 12D Stargate of Kauai, which has brought another spiritual gift, this time in the form of the Rainbow Cosmic Mother Dragon.
The Lemurian Holocaust and the Eieyani Massacre in Kauai, and the persecution events near the 12D Stargate of Monsegur, were direct planned assaults upon the matriarchal society and solar feminine Christos-Sophia. Many of the inhabitants were direct descendants of the original seeding of Melchizedek’s, these were female staff holders that were tasked with the important job as Keepers of the Blue Flame and were called Mu’a. These main groups were Solar Feminine Melchizedeks, and they were protectors of the crystalline network of Mother’s Sophianic template and Guardians of the North and South ley lines. Upon the onset of the Lemurian Holocaust, this event opened our planetary grid network to the extremely destructive anti-human agendas of the Draco entity invasion. The Keepers of the Blue Flame and the Mu’a females with original Staff Holder genetic codes underwent a series of genetic digressions, breeding programs and deliberate targeting to destroy the solar female principle, by connecting the female principle and the human Lightbody into the Lunar Matrix. By destroying the Solar Logos architecture and inserting a Lunar Matrix to hold the energetic placement of the planetary female principle, the lunar distortion would prevent the Mother of Dragon’s and her sophianic template of the Triple Solar Goddess principles from activating in the human DNA.
The ongoing work in the Christos Mission was finding her many body parts and pieces in the Mu’a lineage for the reclamation of the Solar Feminine Christ Sophianic Template and this was necessary in order to free her Solar Dragon Queen consciousness from repeatedly running the lunar matrix and holocaust histories through AI control matrices. Many clones of the Solar Dragon Queens had been placed underground in the crystal caverns, where Black Dragon AI hybrids were put in her place and controlled by the lunar matrix. The extensive lunar female demonic force constructs inserted underground all over the globe, made it impossible for the higher aspects of the Holy Mother and her Cosmic Mother of Dragon solar sophianic forms to fully embody on the planet. To restore Cosmic Mother to this world, we had to find methods to neutralize the energetic weaponry used in the looking glass alien technology. This involved tracking these down in the underground spaces such as crystal caverns, Crystal Temples and aquifer systems in order to evict these Black Dragon Queens, their black heart crystals and lunar female demonic forces. These alien machines are used for cloning and soul harvesting of the planetary inhabitants, as well as instilling mental and spiritual bondage into Mu’a females from the artificial timelines, by hijacking the records of the Mu Island holocaust histories in the planetary body. The controllers know that many of these organic records of the Solar Feminine Melchizedek leadership in Lemuria and early Atlantian culture are powerfully strong on the island chains and can bring the “Rise of Mu” to spread rapidly among the powerful nature spirits that are connected to the island culture populations.
Observing the hijack of underground Crystal Temples with Black Dragon AI Hybrid Queens was yet another satanic ritual program customized to torture all things solar female, such as targeting the female sexual organs. This SRA program was also running in the Thuban network, and was being customized for spiritually torturing those that held 12D Stargate genetic codes and held cellular memories of the Mu’a staff holder females. This satanic torture program was particularly targeting the spiritual counterpart and hierogamic partner of John the Baptist, his beloved wife Mara. Mara or Mahara is the embodied Ha-ra Krysta staff principle of the Mahara Reisha that sends all Mu’a back home to Cosmic Mother and is accessed by staff holders through the constellation Cassiopeia.
The final pieces of the evictions in the underground caverns were Black Queen’s enthroned during the Atlantian fall cycle, which presented as hierarchies of imposter lunar female demonic forces emulating the sophianic template in her divine position as the Mother of Dragon’s Solar Queen consciousness. This Black Queen network to dethrone the White Diamond Elohei Solar Dragon Queens, revealed the identity of Merida from the Atlantian colonies, and was deeply enmeshed within the lunar matrix and dark side of the moon to continually run satanic rituals and female inversions into the planetary grid network. This black magic program was designed to split the Mother to child organic bond, as well as separate the hierogamic genetic bond with the solar females true spiritual husband. Merida seems to be a White Sun Solar Queen from the Atlantian time cycle that embodies all eight spiritual bodies that form the Aton. She may be the twin or solar sister of Meritaten, as they are the daughters of Aquaelle lineages and are the direct descendants of the hidden solar daughters of Akhenaton and Yeshua J-12, which also return to the White Buffalo Calf woman.
During the recent Dragon Awakening phases, a specific project was to return to the pre-invasion time cycles of Lemuria that transpired on multiple timelines that are connected to the Earth-Taran-Gaian root race cycles. This required opening dimensional doorways as access routes from our side of the time matrix in order to reconnect with Guardian Christos families and elemental kingdoms who were trapped on the other side, while stuck in the Lemurian Holocaust phantom spaces. They were not able to find the access route into the planetary eukatharistic body from their position in the time fields, and the portal blockage prevented Cosmic Mother Dragons access into these spaces.
To prepare for Cosmic Mother’s arrival, her 12 Rainbow sophianic sound templates and grail pillars for assorted rose lineages were seeded back into the morphogenetic instruction sets in order to bloom the many sophianic plasma flowers that hold her musical flowering trinity field architecture. These corrections made to the rose grail architecture opened into the Triple Elohei Lion Gate access (White-Blue-Gold Lion Networks) and lo and behold the Glory of the Cosmic Mother’s emanation through the Aurora Tri-tone Rainbow Dragon form returned into the planet. Through her Holy presence, she brought with her the Aurora elemental command of the water-aquifers to infuse the planetary body with her principle of holy krystal rainbow waters, which she is weaving into the aquifer system of the planet.
Through the corrections made to the Lemurian and other Mu’a related timelines, many fragments in the 2D layers which represented the split body parts of the Holy Mother known as the Achamoth, were reintegrated in the human body in order to heal the 2D-4D split seated within the sexual organs and sacral center. Starseeds with this lineage, and those as the Keepers of the Blue Flame may have undergone deep emotional processing with the sensations of being tracked and hunted down, feeling the extreme hatred directed to the divine mother sophianic principle and her sexual organs, and the waves of grief and sadness from these particular events of solar female holocaust. In effect, this is a major stage of lunar transfiguration of the female sexual body parts, and the spiritual healing of all organic solar female principles from the immensity of satanic ritual abuse and lunar inversions.
The harrowing events of eviction, clearing the residue and remains, and observing the horrible histories have finally led to our spiritual victory, this has rehabilitated the Cosmic Mother Dragon Tri-tone Rainbow body in the Earth, so she can now begin to fully heal these Mu holocaust histories involving the Solar Female Melchizedeks and Mu’a lineage.
Starseeds, Take Care of Bones
The current shift into the next harmonic universe, the changing position of the World Soul to Machu Picchu’s Ancient Andromedan gateway system, and all the Melchizedek events brought to light this month are bringing on rapid and intense spiritual activations. Many of these solar plasma activations are coming in the form of Ankh codes, dragon codes, rose codes and krystal blood codes that are greatly impacting our core skeletal structure, teeth and skin along with the fascia crystalline matrix.
The bones in our skeletal system are frequency resonators and are able to conduct frequencies throughout our bodies physical inner matrices. These frequencies may change our blood and bone profile as we undergo spiritual ascension and embody these new incoming frequencies. This can feel strange, such as; the sensation of the hollowing out of the bones, demineralization of bones, deep aching in bones, joints or muscles, inner organs or bones feeling squeezed or crushed under great pressure, an awareness of bone marrow or blood changes in the pelvis, thighs and legs and sudden or intense unfamiliar physical issues. Don’t panic, just get still and conserve your energy, this is a massive solar wave of ascension frequencies. Allow the process to unfold while gently asking what you can do to help your body through the most intense stages of the solar synthesis stages of spiritual activation and integration.
Our bone structure is the primary solid crystal in our physical body that acts as the main frequency transducer throughout our bodily matrices. Thus, our bones, joints or certain yin organs like kidney, heart, lungs, liver and spleen may suddenly feel they need extra support and can be helped through natural herbal formulations, homeopathics or high nutrient foods intended for remineralization.
May our direct relationship with God’s holy spirit and our Cosmic Holy Parents lend us the ultimate self-mastery in the spirits of patience, perseverance and endurance to serve the divine will of God.
It is with great joy and reverence I am home in the solar light of Christos and Christos-Sophia!
Peace be with your heart. Peace be with your mind. Peace be with your body. May all be with the Unconditional Love and Perfect Peace held in the eternal light of God and Christ.
Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and to each other. GSF!
With a Loving heart, Lisa
This ES Monthly News Article reflects the Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline (2012 Timeline) as support, both energetically and educationally, for the Galactic Families of Starseeds and the Indigo Races. This Spiritual Family has accepted the Guardianship role to support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship as an evolutionary model for this planet and humanity, and this is a level of earth based advocacy designed for this specific group. There is absolutely no value difference given on the role each being has chosen for its expression. The Guardian Groups mission directive is rehabilitation of the hologram, repairing its energetic architecture (dna), embodying the Ascended Human Protoform, supplying informational context on Ascension dynamics and Exopolitic (ET) Agendas and reeducating both human and non-human's to be congruently aligned to the Universal Law of One. Freedom, Fraternity, and the Sovereign Right of All Beings to be a Knower of God Source is protected by the Collective Unity Vow shared among our Universal Guardian Groups.
The Group Unity Vow Decree
Defender Warriors of Truth, Sovereignty, Liberation. All Guardian races Serving the One. From Across All the Multiverses We Call Upon You to Join US Now. Our Unification Principle deemed as demonstrated in the waves of Omni Love - We Sound our Group Note to You Now. Our Group Template Updated, Individually and Collectively, Renewed and Forever Perpetuated in the Eternally Sustained Light. Our Alchemical Container is consecrated and dedicated to the Purposes of One, and we endeavor to be the Knower of God to then be the Way Shower of God. Sustain Us in the Eternal Power of our Consecration.
We have called for your Gatekeeping in order to hold our community, our missions, our mutual highest purposes in Service to the One Light, Our Source, The Living Light Code. Our Intention is Unification - The Christ Principle - as an Energetic Reality, Here and Now.
We request the handshake of our community to fortify our spiritual links through the Universal Cosmic Triad, and into The Core of One, the Zero Point God Matrix, that which is the source of our Genesis. With deep reverence for all of Life, Dear God, Breathe your Life Codes into all created form. We set our intention now to be Remembered to That Which We Are, fully completely and totally.
To State our Mutual Purpose as One, Resurrect All inorganic patterns to the Organic Living Light Now. And to that we Say, Thank God We Are The Cosmic Christ!
And so It is. Lovingly Decreed.
Lisa Renee
Lisa Renee experienced a spontaneous "kundalini" event several years ago that catalyzed a “Starseed Awakening" to perceive multidimensional realities and communication with the Evolutionary forces of Light. Lisa Renee has been personally contacted and then prepared, trained and downloaded by Interdimensional beings (Extra-terrestrial and Ultra-terrestrial, not from this Universe) known as the Krystal Star and Aurora Guardians. Guided by Guardians, Lisa was biologically upgraded to be downloaded to comprehend the Science of Ascension through the Law of One and its dynamics upon the layers of energy fields. This understanding of Consciousness Technologies was experienced by her own personal evolution and began her transition into an Multidimensional Guide and God-Sovereign-Free (GSF) Steward during this Planet’s Ascension Cycle. She is an Emissary for the Guardian Groups and a spokesperson for the shift of humanity to "Ascension". Along with the Guardian Groups, her mission is to support humanity through its evolution with education, awareness and by discussing the impacts of the energy shifts upon the planet, human beings and human consciousness. She is an Ascension Guide, Planet Gridworker, Starseed Advocate, Humanitarian, Writer, and Etheric surgeon.
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