Sudan - Meroe Pyramids.
Meroë is an ancient city on the east bank of the Nile about 6 km north-east of the Kabushiya station near Shendi, Sudan, approximately 200 km north-east of Khartoum. Near the site are a group of villages called Bagrawiyah. This city was the capital of the Kingdom of Kush for several centuries. The Kushitic Kingdom of Meroë gave its name to the Island of Meroë, which was the modern region of Butana, a region bounded by the Nile (from the Atbarah River to Khartoum), the Atbarah, and the Blue Nile.
The city of Meroë was on the edge of Butana and there were two other Meroitic cities in Butana, Musawwarat es-Sufra, and Naqa.
The site of the city of Meroë is marked by more than two hundred pyramids in three groups, of which many are in ruins. They are identified as Nubian pyramids because of their distinctive size and proportions.
"Two giant underwater pyramids, made of thick glass, found in the center of the Bermuda Triangle.
Posted on 27 September, 2012
These strange structures at a depth of two thousand meters were identified with the help of a sonar according to oceanographer Dr. Meyer Verlag. Studies of other devices have allowed scientists to determine that the two giant pyramids, aparentemente made of something like a thick glass, are really impressive structures, as each of them is larger than the pyramid of Cheops in Egypt.
B. Meyer believes that disclosure of the secrets of the strange pyramids that are at the center of the triangle, could shed light on the cases related to the terrible and mysterious disappearances that are associated with the Bermuda Triangle. In his press conference in the Bahamas, the scientist gave a report with the exact coordinates of the pyramids and the cards with his picture. In particular, the oceanographer said that the technology is unknown to modern science, and is designed in such a way that the pyramid is under water. Perhaps a more detailed study over time will give results that are difficult to imagine. There are often reports on the pyramids. American oceanographers in 1990, discovered the underwater pyramids, which are located exactly at the center of the Bermuda Triangle. Scientists have processed all of the data and concluded that the surface is perfectly smooth, to look like glass or ice. The size of the pyramids are nearly three times the pyramid of Cheops. This news was sensational, and was discussed at a conference in Florida. The journalists present in it, have a lot of pictures and high resolution computerized data, which show three-dimensional pyramids perfectly smooth, without being covered with a surface free of debris or algae or cracks. The question we poneora and the matter is closed?"
Pyramid Structures Near Western Cuba.
Pyramids under the waters of Cuba were discovered by two scientists Paul
Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki. They found the ruins of ancient
buildings for about a mile below the sea and considered them to be
Atlantis.Paulina found elsewhere in Cuba ancient descriptions and
symbols that was identical to those on the waterfront structures below.
the two scientists used submarines to found tremendous pyramid structures (that remainds giza in Egypt), built of stones weighing hundreds of tons.

They found sphinxes, stones that arranged like Stonehenge, and a written language engraved on the stones.
Why it was not discovered before?
The U.S. government discovered the alleged place during the Cuban missile crisis in the sixties, Nuclear submarines cruising in the Gulf (in deep sea) met pyramid structures. They immediately shut down the site and took control of him and the objects,in order that it will not come to Russians hands.
A whistleblower from the army,that used to serve in Montego Bay told they are still working on the site and recover objects and instruments (including those who still work) since the 60th.
This area in Cuba could not be over waterfront less than 10,000 years ago…
the two scientists used submarines to found tremendous pyramid structures (that remainds giza in Egypt), built of stones weighing hundreds of tons.
They found sphinxes, stones that arranged like Stonehenge, and a written language engraved on the stones.
Why it was not discovered before?
The U.S. government discovered the alleged place during the Cuban missile crisis in the sixties, Nuclear submarines cruising in the Gulf (in deep sea) met pyramid structures. They immediately shut down the site and took control of him and the objects,in order that it will not come to Russians hands.
A whistleblower from the army,that used to serve in Montego Bay told they are still working on the site and recover objects and instruments (including those who still work) since the 60th.
This area in Cuba could not be over waterfront less than 10,000 years ago…
Gebel Barkal (Jebel Barkal) 1450 BC 400km north of Khartoum are the ruins of the Kush African pyramid civilisation. The Nubian African lineage has its own pyramid history that ran parallel to ancient Egypt in its culture and gods that it worshipped.
Chinese pyramids are ancient mausoleums and burial mounds built to house the remains of several early emperors of China and their imperial relatives. About 38 of them are located around 25 kilometres (16 mi) - 35 kilomet
res (22 mi) north-west of Xi'an, on the Qin Chuan Plains in Shaanxi Province. The most famous is the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, northeast of Xi'an and 1.7 km west of where the Terracotta Warriors were found. Chinese pyramids were also built during the Han, Tang, Song, and Western Xia dynasties.
According to author Wayne Herschel, the Martian pyramids are a replica of the Pleiades
New Zealand Pyramid Mountain
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