dimanche 18 novembre 2012

Celtic mythology.

Celtic Mythology ÉTAÍN was the pure and unspoiled beauty of Ireland. After a while Midhir took Etain Echraide to be his wife. And there was great jealousy on Fuamnach, the wife be had before, when she saw the love that Midhir gave to Etain, and she called to the Druid, Bresal Etarlaim to help her, and he put spells on Etain the way Fuamach was able to drive her away. And when she was driven out of BRÍ LÉITH, Angus Og, son of the Dagda, took her into his keeping; and when Midhir asked her back, he would not give her up, but he brought her about with him to every place be went. And wherever they rested, he made a sunny house for her, and put sweet-smelling flowers in it, and he made invisible walls about it, that no one could see through and that could not be seen.

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