dimanche 18 novembre 2012

Georgiana Elisabeth Spencer.

Georgiana Elizabeth Spencer ‎~ BAYEUX TAPESTRY ISN'T A TAPESTRY AND WASN'T WOVEN BY NUNS ~ The widely accepted theory that nuns made the Bayeux tapestry has been disputed by experts who say that it was made by a group of professionals. The tapestry is also revealed to be an embroidery, with the two require differing techniques. A tapestry is woven on a loom whereas an embroidery has what is known as a "ground fabric" on which threads are sewn or embroidered to form a picture. The idea that nuns across England made the Bayeux tapestry in nine sections which were then stitched together has been thrown into doubt by the new research. Instead, the 900-year old tapestry, which depicts the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England culminating in the battle of Hastings in 1066, was woven by the same group of people, likely to have worked on under one manager, the research suggests. Alexandra Makin of the University of Manchester, a professional embroiderer who conducted the research, said: "It's clear from my analysis of the Bayeux Tapestry that the style of work is consistent throughout. "Some people argue that the style of some figures are so different they must have been embroidered by different people. "But my view is it's not the embroidery which is different – but the way the characters were drawn." She told Radio 4's Today programme: "By looking at the embroidery techniques at the back of the tapestry I wold suggest that it was done by what we would call professional embroiderers." From observing the way the stitches overlap on the back of the tapestry, Mrs Makin was also able to work out in what order the different sections of the 230ft-long masterpiece were sewn. The outlines for individual sections of the work – technically an embroidery as it was woven – were completed first, and then filled in with colours in a set order. The tapestry consists of 50 scenes with Latin captions, embroidered on linen with coloured woollen yarns. Vikings ships, Norman and Saxon cavalries illustrate the exploits of William and his opponent Harold, another pretender to the throne of England. Questions still remain over how many embroiderers worked on the tapestry, which is on permanent display at a museum in Normandy, France, who they were and where their "workshop" or "workshops" were located. It was likely commissioned by Bishop Odo, William the Conqueror's half-brother, shortly after his victory. What is not in dispute is the amazing skill of the embroiderers. Mrs Makin said: "The achievement of these people is quite remarkable when you consider the conditions they worked in. "They would have almost certainly worked in daylight hours only, using basic equipment – such as shears to cut the cloth – with little formal training as we know it today, on what was a massive project even by today's standards. "But they would have been well regarded by society: in one example from the Doomsday book, the Sheriff of Buckingham gave land to an embroiderer, as long as she taught his daughter her skills." Sylvette Lemagnen, Curator of the Bayeux Tapestry welcomed the findings, saying they were "fundamental to the understanding of the Bayeux Tapestry" and "helped to correct misunderstandings of how the Bayeux Tapestry was made." The Telegraph By Henry Samuel, Paris 9:33AM GMT 15 Nov 2012

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